
Episode 128 - The Noobs of Prey on Harley Quinn


The name was changed after the recording of this show, but the boys of OrkU called it anyway. Harley Quinn and her fabulous emancipation from the Birds of Prey got a lot of reaction, but no reaction was more split than OrkU studios. The boys are split on this movie and go deep into why, but not before some news about more live action Disney, birds tattling on fishermen, Ash Ketchum chasing the dragon, a truly impossible burger, Pickle Rick Pringles, cocaine hippos, and Carpool Karaoke. The boys also talk briefly about Chilling Adventured of Sabrina season 3 on Netflix, Lego Masters, and Dragon Ball Z Kakarot. On this episode of OrkU, the boys go head to head over whether Birds of Prey is foul or should fly. 

Episode 121 - The Rise of Noobwalker


It has been 42 years in the making. The Star Wars saga has taken 42 years, but finally the story has come to an end. To wrap up 2019, the boys of OrkU dedicate this entire episode to the story of Skywalker. From midichlorians to force skyping, the boys review the story with a focus on the last movie in the series, The Rise of Skywalker. Has the 42 year journey been in vain, or does this last movie wrap up this story with a force bow. On this episode of OrkU, Z channels the force, Scott force chokes a bitch, and Noob-Noob gets caught force texting.

Episode 108 - Dating Between 2 Titans


Guess the boys of OrkU have caught the advertising bug. They start this one out with a commercial that will seduce and terrify you as it tempts a perspective sponsor. After this read filled with herbs and spices, they head into the news, which this week includes KFC, Vanta-black, Hustlers, and Downtown Abbey. Then the boys tempt you more with reviews of DC’s Titans, Gears of War 5, Red Dead Redemption add-ons, and Netflix’s Between Two Ferns movie. This week on OrkU, Z cooks the Colonel, Scott may have forgotten something important, and Noob-Noob gets hustled.

Episode 90 - Game of Throne Bones


Another saga ended. Game of Thrones has come to it’s inevitable conclusion, and it seems people are not happy about it, but for what reasons? The boys of OrkU compare the finale of GoT to other beloved series and see how it compares. Will this go down as one of the best or worse? The team also gets into some Terminators and Sonic (again). Reviews of Pikachu and some network shows are in this episode too, but they are just from Noob-Noob, so it’s not that big a deal. On week on OrkU, Z serenades, Scott sings backup, and Noob-Noob continues to be a back-up.

Episode 84 - Captain Shazam or Shazbot


DC has launched yet another superhero, and this time it’s SHAZAM! The boys of OrkU take flight with this hero and decide if it’s worth a watch. The boys also take another look and review the DC Streaming service as well as Game of Thrones as that series comes to an end. On this episode of OrkU, Z shows the wisdom of Solomon, Scott shows the strength of Hercules, and Noob-Noob shows the foolishness of Koalemos.