
Episode 103 - Spider Wars and The Good Boys

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Holy web-slingers! What is happening in the Marvelverse? Sony and Marvel are now at war! Meanwhile, DC is chilling over on the other side of the bar still trying to make some waves, but they still haven’t figured it out. The boys of OrkU are here to try to make sense of all the chaos that recent days have bought, but sometimes, you still can’t make your way through the swamp. This week on OrkU, Z Slings the web, Scott gets swampy, and Noob-Noob did not graduate Elementary.

Episode 100 - One Hundred Strangers Below


When it comes to the milestones that have changed the course of history, this will be one talked about for ages. OrkU turns 100! That’s right! 100 episodes and going stronger than ever!

Alright. It’s not that big a deal. This just means we still haven’t gotten tired of each other and Noob-Noob is somehow still around. I guess Scott hasn’t been trying very hard to make him disappear. Anyways, this episode is a good one. News about One Punch Man, Dave Bautista. James Gunn, Tom Hanks, and GTA. Then because we love you, an in depth look at Netflix’s Stranger things, right after some quick reviews of God Eater, Frankenstein’s Monster Monster something, and 3 Below. This episode has it all! This week on OrkU, the boys serenade you with their Never-ending Song!

Episode 48 - Mission Impossible - Fallout


Your mission, should you choose to accept, is to sit back, relax and listen to the boys of OrkU as they go undercover and expose Mission Impossible - Fallout. This actually will be an easy mission, since OrkU fallout is exactly what you have been waiting for! This week on OrkU, Z does espionage, Scott rides a motorcycle, and OrkU disavows any knowledge of Noob-Noob's actions.