
Episode 254- The Boys of Love and Thunder

Episode 251- Spiderhead you're my only Obi Wan

Episode 88 - Endgame Overgame


An event this epic and world changing deserves all the attention it deserves, and the boys of OrkU aren’t scared to double down. Another well earned episode dedicated to Avengers: Endgame as it continues to break box offices and records. This week the boys bring back Midlevel Movie Reviews and Movie Files to compare notes and take impressions after they and the rest of the world have now seen Endgame multiple times. This week, Z plays it cool, Scott struggles with the connection, and Noob-Noob keeps working his way closer to Bruno.

Episode 9 - Thor: Ragnarok Spoilers

Did you listen to our last episode where we somehow talked about Thor: Ragnarok without spoiling anything? Good. Well, now it's time to get deep and dirty as we go into detail about Thor, Hulk, and all their friends as spoil the Muspelheim out of Thor. This week, Scott gets serious, Z gets happy, and Noob-Noob takes a leak.

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Episode 8 - Thor Unspoiled

On Our Reviews Will Kill You, we strike thunder with Thor: Ragnarok! We give our first impressions of the newest Thor movie, but don't worry, we aren't spoiling anything yet! This is our first safe for listen episode for those who have yet to see the movie! This week, Z gets serious, Scott gets happy, and Noob-Noob eats a banana