Episode 71 - Birdbox breaks down the internet


Kevin Spacey made a return on the internet, and nobody saw it coming, probably because they were wearing blindfolds. So the boys of OrkU join in the fun and blindfold themselves to review Birdbox and Ralph Breaks the Internet. Also, what the F did Grover say?!?! This week on OrkU, Z opens his eyes, Scott takes a boat down a stream, and Noob-Noob panics when he takes the blindfold off and still can’t see.

Episode 70- Not a man, not yet an Aqua-lad


The DC universe continues it’s story with Aquaman, and the boys of OrkU take no time to dive right in. Will Aquaman be able to float, will it sink into the depths, or will an explosion happen that interrupts the conversation? Before this, more explosions happen as the boys touch on the bombs that are Mortal Engines and Welcome to Marwen. This week on OrkU, Z smells something fishy, Scott naturally floats, and Noob-Noob learns to doggy-paddle.

Episode 69 - Once Upon a Spider-verse


It’s the happiest time of the year, and the boys of OrkU bring Kevin back in to share what holiday traditions he holds most dear. Scott, on the other hand decides that Kevin should know the true meanings behind his favorite traditions, and Kevin finds out those traditions aren’t so wholesome. After some Xmas spoilers, the boys talk about Once Upon a Deadpool and get more in depth about Into the Spider-verse. This week on OrkU, Z goes a caroling, Scott ruins Xmas, and Kevin doesn’t want to come back after this episode.

Episode 68 - Mowgli and the Legend of Sonic


The boys look to talk about Netflix’s take on a childhood favorite, Mowgli. However, a missing Noob-Noob forces Z and Scott to bring a guest into the studio to help out. Is anyone else seeing a pattern here? This episode is also chock full of news from Avengers to Star Wars and Nasa to Godzilla. Pretty exciting, huh? This week on OrkU, Z becomes king, Scott channels a true monster, and who is Kevin?

Episode 67 - Fantastic Opossums that Kill Us


The boys of OrkU take this week to talk about Lion King, Daredevil, and Murphy Brown. Wait, what year is this? Then after some time travel, they review Fantastic Beasts and what they think about a super secret look they got at a film called What Doesn’t Kill Us. This week on OrkU, Z plays opossum, Scott Will Kill You, and Noob-Noob goes back to his screaming nonsense.

Episode 66 - Hotel Romaine Redemption


So after I survived the romaine lettuce war, I was almost taken out early in this episode when things get out of hand quickly. Once the boys of OrkU get things back under control, they talk about Sabrina’s law troubles, lettuce problems, and a bird named Harley. Then they shift gears and review Hotel Artemis, Overlord, and bring up what they’ve learned about Red Dead Redemption 2. This week on OrkU, Z looses control, Scott passes out, and Noob-Noob tries to get his voice back.

Episode 65 - Christmas-Ra: Escape from X-mas


The Romain Thanksgiving apocalypse has passed and we are still here, mostly because Scott doesn’t know what a salad is. The boys of OrkU spend this week to talk about how thankful they are that Stan Lee was part of this world, that pokemon can now solve crimes, and that Last Jedi still sucks. They also take a minute to review Netfilx’s The Christmas Chronicle and She-Ra. This week on OrkU, Z sings some Elvis, Scott feels uncomfortable, and Noob-Noob finally speaks clearly.

Episode 64 - Castle Rhapsody


So just like Freddy Mercury was able to inspire millions with his sound and passion, Noob-Noob is still lying about his sexuality. The boys of OrkU rock out with Bohemian Rhapsody, talk about the loss of a beloved Simpson character, and crack the whip with Castlevania. This week on OrkU, Z rides his bicycle, Scott likes fat bottomed girls, and Noob-Noob bites the dust.

Episode 63 - A Noob lost in Japan


Here we go again. Noob-Noob wants some attention, so he has to tell us all about his trip to Japan. Z and Scott don’t want him to think that it is all about him, so they do what they can to make sure he stays grounded! After that the boys change direction and talk about some video games. On the chopping block this week is Red Dead Redemption 2 and Spiderman for PS4. This week on OrkU, Z sums things up, Scott keeps things real, and Noob-Noob might as well perform hara-kiri.