Episode 40 - E3


Hey there OrkUniverse! Scott here. I wanted to personally speak to you about this weeks episode of OrkU! The E3 Expo just happened in Los Angeles! Turns out, Z and I couldn't care, but Noob-Noob was super excited about it and tuned in for all the entertaining entertainment news! So, this week we decided to let Noob-Noob run the show! Does he have what it takes to keep this runaway train on the track? This week on OrkU, Noob-Noob finally gets the chance to be in charge, Z and Scott do everything they can to make sure it goes well...........kinda.

Episode 39 - Solo and Star Wars' future


A new episode of OrkU is upon us, and you don't have to wait 12 parsecs to listen. The OrkU crew take a look into the latest of the origin stories in the Star Wars universe. Let's see which member of OrkU shoots first! This week on OrkU, Z scoundrels, Scott has a bad feeling about this, and Noob-Noob turns to the dark side, but isn't very good at it.

Episode 38 - Evil Genius

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Go ahead an order a pizza for this one! The gang at OrkU plan a heist around Netflix's documentary special, Evil Genius, a four part special that takes a look at the "Pizza Bomber Case" from 2003. Can the boys make heads or tails of this, or will it be reviewed as "unsolved". On this episode of OrkU, Z masterminds, Scott plans the getaway, and Noob-Noob takes the fall.

Episode 36 - May News


How happy is the month of May? Spring officially arrives, the days are warmer and longer, and all the flowers and trees that have been dead through winter are finally coming to life! The boys have a feel-good look at what has been going on in the news today as well as have a talk about a beautiful vacation that Noob-Noob took to a wonderful place filled with life and happiness. On this episode of OrkU, Z smiles, Scott becomes over=joyed, and Noob-Noob is sees rainbows.

Episode 35 - Deadpool 2


Time for Ryan Reynolds' self proclaimed masterpiece, Deadpool 2! Join the X-OrkU-Force as the team takes a long, uncomfortable look at the Merc with the Mouth, and his team of people that shouldn't necessarily be called heroes. This week on OrkU, Z deconstructs, Scott detonates, and Noob-Noob refuses to die.

Episode 34 - Lost in Space


Get lost with the boys of OrkU! The trio travels down the wormhole to discuss Netflix's space adventure, Lost in Space. Is it good enough warrant a search to find it, or should it remain lost in the darkness? This week on OrkU, Z is a blithering bumpkin, Scott is a cantankerous cold-hearted clump, and Noob-Noob is a nickering ninny.

Episode 33 - God of War


The boys are expanding their horizons and jumping into the world of video games! God of War was recently released on the PlayStation platform and two of the boys have been able to play for a while now, but at what cost? This is a non-spoiler review, because apparently video games are not their strong suits. This week on OrkU, Z works through the pain, Scott plays a new character, and Noob-Noob keeps referring to another game no one knows.

Episode 32 - Avengers: Infinity War


It has been 10 years to get here and it has been worth the wait! Avengers: Infinity War has finally hit theaters, and the boys of OrkU are excited. Dig in for a deep conversation about this movie and the impact it has on the entire world! On this episode of OrkU, Z gets philosophical, Scott entertains the fans, and Noob-Noob has a snappy comeback.